Hear Mitch Axelrod's exclusive interview with photographer & Beatle photo collector/exhibitor Vincent Vigil. Download the show, and visit Vincent's website to check out the images. Donate to Fab4Free4All on our home page for a chance to win a copy of a great photo of the Beatles at LAX in 1964. (See it here.) All previous donors to FabFourum will be automatically entered into the drawing, too.
Click on the show number and/or title to download it!
25 - A Visit With Beatles' Engineer Ken Scott
The Fab4Free4All were truly 'dead chuffed' to converse with Ken Scott, engineer for the Beatles & George Harrison, and producer of many rock legends. We're delighted that Ken's warmth and humor shines through during an interview filled with unique anecdotes, facts and remembrances from a man who worked in the studio with the Beatles as they made great music - and history.
24 - Solo Beatle Songs Everyone Needs to Know
The Fab4Free4All crew comb through the catalogs of the solo Beatles for songs they think everyone needs to know, but may not. The guys even manage to surprise one another with some of their diverse and unique selections. The choices lead to a fun and spirited show.
23 - Beatles: Brown Chicken, Brown Cow
In this stimulating episode, the guys vote for the songs by the Beatles that best get you 'in the mood' ... and keep you there. So pull your computer close, dim the lights, and sit back and relax. Who loves ya baby? We do! WARNING: Adult Content ... treated, at times, in a not-so-adult manner. And if you're wondering about the title, check out the Urban Dictionary!
22 - 'What's My Name?' ... Again: Ringo Tour 2012 with Darren DeVivo
WFUV Radio personality and Beatle expert Darren DeVivo keeps listeners going (and sane!) through the midday grind in the New York area. This week, Darren joins Fab4Free4All for a look at the Ringo's 2012 All-Starr tour. The gang focuses on Ringo's recent appearance at the Nikon Theater at Jones Beach in New York, but the casual .. and critical ... talk about band members, song choices and problematic venues is universally relatable!
21 - 1970 'Year In Review' with Chris Carter
It was a year of endings, beginnings, and lawsuits that would make the Watergate sessions look like debating class in grade school. It was the year that saw more Beatle-related releases (14!) than any other. It was 1970. The Fab4Free4All gang is joined by Chris Carter ('Breakfast With the Beatles' on KLOS in Los Angeles and Sirius) for a detailed look at the Beatles' world during this tumultuous and exciting time.
20 - The Beatles' Musical Kids
It probably isn't always being an adult child of one of the Fab Four, regardless of what career path you may have chosen. But a few of the 'Beatle offspring' have decided to enter into the 'family business' of making music. In this episode the Fab4Free4All cast look at the careers and output of the musical children of the Beatles.
19 - 'The Beatles Second Album': Analysis and Review
It's been a long time since the members of Fab 4 Free 4 All ventured into the world of the Beatles' unique Capitol Records (US) catalog! In this spirited episode, the guys review and analyze 'The Beatles Second Album', and delve into some 'behind-the-scenes' info about the album's title, contents and production.
18 - Our Take On George Harrison's 'Early Takes'
The George Harrison CD 'Early Takes' came as a pleasant surprise to most fans when it was released as a bonus with the limited edition DVD of the documentary 'Living In the Material World'. With the recent release of the album as a separate CD release, the Fab4Free4All crew review 'Early Takes Vol. 1', and discuss its place within George's canon of released music.
17 - 'Ram On' Reprise: Reviewing the Box Set
The guys review the 2012 release of the 'Paul McCartney Archive' deluxe box set edition of the album 'Ram'. We learn quickly that it's a cast favorite, but there's much to say about the box, the remastering job, and the other versions being made available as part of this ongoing reissue series.
16 - Collecting Beatles Memorabilia
The cast takes a basic look at the art of collecting Beatles memorabilia. The focus is on what might be considered as "first generation" pieces. These are the hundreds of items ranging from tour books to snack trays that were put out by official or endorsed companies. The guys also touch on the "game changer" that is eBay.
15 - Apple Records: 'Strange Fruit' pt. 2
In part two of two, the cast look at more of the Apple Records artists, and discuss the arrival of Allen Klein into the Beatles' "world". The goal of bringing in the New York businessman may have been to make the company financially sound, but what did that do for the morale and the 'mission' of Apple? And how did the Beatles' break-up change things?
14 - Apple Records: 'Strange Fruit' pt. 1
In 1968, the Beatles embarked on a new business venture that would find them dabbling in the worlds of fashion, films, music publishing, electronics and ... 'manufacturing' (?). The project was called Apple, and the focus, in the end, was music. In part one of two shows about Apple and the documentary 'Strange Fruit: The Beatles' Apple Records' the guys look at how the company came to be, and how it fared in its early days.
13 - The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl
The Beatles made three historic appearances at the Hollywood Bowl in California; one in 1964 and two in 1965. These concerts are unique in Beatles history because all three shows were taped for possible release - in whole or in part - by Capitol Records as live albums. It took until 1977 for such an album to see the light of day, but before the official release fans got to hear the 1964 show on numerous bootleg recordings. The guys touch on these and more fascinating aspects of the Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl during this spirited show.
12 - 'Ringo the 4th': But Please Listen
The guys review and analyze Ringo Starr's 1977 LP 'Ringo the 4th', his sixth album, and a serious career misstep. Is this an 'underrated and under-appreciated' album? Or is this simply proof that - though they were the members of the greatest band that ever existed - not everything that the solo Beatles have ever recorded has been good!
11 - Beatles Reunion: Shoulda Coulda Woulda?
In a show recorded at the 2012 Fest for Beatles Fans in New Jersey , the guys discuss whether the Beatles ever should, could or would have united, and what circumstances might have made it possible. The rare presence of a live audience at a Fab4Free4All taping adds an element of fun as the guys field questions and comments.
10 - 'Press To Play': Analysis and Review
Paul McCartney kept himself 'current' in 1986 with the rockin' 'Press to Play'. Some fans consider the album too experimental for Paul. Others feel that the arrangements and instrumentation play to McCartney's many strengths, and may even foreshadow things (and albums done under pseudonyms!) to come. In this installment of the ongoing 'analysis and review' series, the guys reveal their thoughts and feelings about this unique solo album - his sixth - from Paul's extensive catalog.
09 - 'Walls and Bridges': Analysis and Review
Was John really 'lost' on that lost weekend? Despite (or maybe because of!) his bouts with headline-making behavior in L.A., the time spent away from Yoko inspired John to create an exciting and unique album. It also gave him his first solo #1 single! In this episode, the guys take a detailed look into John's psyche as they examine every angle of 'Walls and Bridges'.
08 - Beatles Bootlegs: A New World!
In this spirited episode, the cast members of Fab4Free4All look back on the first time each of them discovered a new and unique world of Beatles music and collecting; the releases that were being called 'bootlegs'! This much-requested episode promises to be the first of many that will look at this controversial (but popular and enduring) topic from many angles.
07 - 'Thirty Three and 1/3': Analysis and Review
George Harrison was in an interesting place in 1976. He was coming off a series of lawsuits, a poorly-received concert tour, and two albums in a row that had been greeted with lukewarm receptions. Would 'Thirty Three and 1/3', his first album on his own Dark Horse label, get him out of the rut? The guys give take a detailed look at one of George's finest efforts in this latest entry in their ongoing 'Analysis and Review' series.
06 - Movie Review: A Hard Day's Night
In 1964, the Beatles unleashed their first movie on the world to unanimous positive response. In this spirited episode, the guys take a detailed look at the film 'A Hard Day's Night'.
05 - 1971: A Snapshot - The Beatles Apart
A series carries over from the old show as we review a specific year! The Fab4Free4All crew examine the Beatle-related events and releases of 1971, a pivotal year in each members' history.
04 - Capitol Versions Volume 3: What if?
What would the Beatles' Capitol Albums Volume 3 box set contain if it were ever to happen? The Fab4Free4All crew speculate and make their own versions.
03 - Paul McCartney's 'Kisses on the Bottom'
Paul McCartney's 2012 album of standards is 'Kisses on the Bottom'. What do the Fab4Free4All crew think of this cheekily titled release from Macca? The answer, revealed in this high-spirited episode, may surprise our listeners!
02 - The Beatles Rooftop Concert
The cast of the Free4All takes a detailed look at the Beatles' performance on January 30th, 1969 on the Apple rooftop in London. We know WHAT happened, but the boys speculate on why and how it happened, and offer some background on the 'Get Back' sessions.
01 - Debut! / Ringo 2012
On our debut episode, we think we manage to "drum up" (yuk yuk) some interesting things to say about Ringo Starr's new album "Ringo 2012", released on January 30th, 2012.